
Sustainability concept and eco-label

The Salzburg Marionette Theatre has set itself the goal of leading the institution into a climate-friendly and energy-efficient future, both structurally and in terms of construction and organisation.

Construction measures and resource-saving use of district heating, electricity, water

  • The most relevant environmental aspects are district heating, which is necessary to heat the building, and electricity, which largely comes from renewable energy (Salzburg AG); in 2024, the renovation of the existing heating system – although already heated with district heating – will begin. The goal is to heat more efficiently and conserve resources.
  • Another important measure is the conversion of the lighting to LED: part of the lighting will already be converted to LED in 2023. The entire conversion will be completed by the end of 2024.
  • The building's old windows, which do not allow for efficient and resource-saving operation, will be replaced with new ones between the end of 2024 and the end of 2025.
  • The cooling system for the auditorium, currently still powered by water, will be made more efficient. All new sanitary facilities will only be equipped with water-saving fittings in order to become as efficient as possible here as well.

Organisational and structural measures incl. eco-label 209

The implementation of the organisational measures necessary to transform the theatre into an ecologically sustainable institution will also begin this year. A key issue for the Salzburg Marionette Theatre is the introduction of the Eco-label 209 for spoken and musical theatre. The plan is to achieve certification in summer 2024. The first steps towards successful certification have already begun, for example with analyses of energy and waste production.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our sustainability manager Christine Gropper at:

Photo: Der alte Baum, Mozart Week 2023