PUPPETS! – Movies


Friday, October 25, 2024, 4 pm, academy Salon

a marionette short film (18 minutes) and making of (15 minutes) by Matthias Bundschuh based on "The Jinn" by Franz Werfel, in German language

With puppeteers of the Salzburg Marionette Theatre

A storm shipwrecks a prince on a small island, where he meets a dog who claims to be a prince too, bewitched by a jinn to live in a dog's body. In order to free the dog the prince fights the jinn, but loses his mind over the undermining questions of the demon. If the dog is a prince, is the prince then a dog? What is identity? How will you know who you are?

This is the first film of the actor and author Matthias Bundschuh, based on a story by Franz Werfel. Bundschuh interprets the text in a poetic way and develops with his marionettes a unique form of expression.

STRINGS (2004)

Friday, October 25, 2024, 5 pm, academy Salon

A marionette film (88 minutes) by Anders Rønnow-Klarlund, in German language

The young prince Hal sets off for the Zerith people to avenge the alleged murder of his father. When it is almost too late, he realises that the true danger to his kingdom comes from within ... In Strings, the marionette strings are not hidden: they are threads that give life to the characters and determine their fate. With this trick, director Anders Rønnow-Klarlund has created a highly original form of fantasy film.

Photo: Where is who I was and am

(Free admission, numbered tickets available from October 21 at the box office of the Marionette Theatre.)