IDENTITATS: Rocamora Teatre



Production, puppeteer: Carles Cañellas
Choreography, costumes: Susanne Rodríguez
Electronic music: InnoDB
Lighting design: Quico Gutiérrez
Video-Art: Giacomo Verde


The metaphysical marionette: A string-puppet – naked and faceless – is born on stage and takes on various masks during its short existence. Masks that each have their own identity and influence the character's being and actions.


The Catalan puppeteer Carles Cañellas founded Els Rocamora – now Rocamora Teatre – in 1982. Commemorating more than forty years of career, he proposed a non-verbal work for young people and adults, which combines the purity of Marionette with the most accurate manipulation as possible and an exploration of the enormous dramatic capabilities of the puppet: Identitats. Contemporary choreographies to electronic music and video backgrounds enhance the atmosphere.

Photos: © Rocamora Teatre